Thursday 29th July 2021 at 10am
Blend of HQ and Skype, Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters, CW7 2UA
12 panel members
Andrew Bailey AB Independent Chairperson
1. Apologies & Previous Minutes and Actions
Previous minutes from 30 April 2021
Confirmed as accurate & actions updated
2. Confidentiality Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement.pdf
Confirmed and to continue with the agreement.
4. Performance data
- Stop and Search – items 4a and 4b Daniel Taylor – Data Pack presented at meeting
- Exceptions discussed. Panel raised the issue over location not being verified. This is an IT issue and officers will be unaware they have selected an unverified address – remedial work has taken place and over the next 9 months should see this reducing each quarter because of this work – giving a more accurate picture of the locations of searches.
- HMIC have been in force inspecting us on many aspects, one being stop and search where all the work has been explained how we are understanding our disproportionality.
- Continue to try and understand the not stated SDE. BWV scrutiny internally continues.
- Many positive indicators this quarter with find rates and positive outcomes increasing which show the quality of the searches is improving.
- Discussion over the GRT community not declaring their SDE at stops and may declare white Irish instead, which is not disproportionate and in in line with white British.
- Section 60 update – government have decided that the law will remain as written, with Inspectors and above being able to authorise and the threshold being serious violence may take. Rather than an enhanced approach used prior to August 2019.
- The recent under 18 EIP searched has been reviewed by Insp Dixon. It was found to comply with legal requirements. It was deemed to be fair and professional with the appropriate level of supervision.
- All those recorded as no have been individual scrutinised by Sgt Richard Deakin, updated on the OEL which does not pull through to the data set. So is in fact 100% compliant.
- Use of Force (including age related under 11 over 75 and MH locations) – Item 5 c Sgt Richard Deakin/ Jayne Gilmore - No packs for use of force – due to staff absence will appear on the website soon.
- Hate Crime – Item 4 c Ci Jez Taylor – Data Pack presented at meeting
- Cyber enabled crimes have been included in the pack as requested by the PAM last meeting. Chair acknowledged this.
- Concerns raised over the number of not stated or blanks for self-defined ethnicity of hate crime victims, over a quarter not known, JT volunteered to take an action to investigate and resolve this.
- JT explained the policy that all hate crime victims get allocated a PCSOs to visit them at home, and what is required by that visit. JT did identify a gap in skills and knowledge though a pressure test, to enable these members of staff to do effective welfare/follow up visits. This has been addressed by a training cycle on the hate crime policy.
- Information given by JT and LD regarding the new Visa route for British Nationals currently residing in Hong Kong to leave in the UK. Reassurance given to the panel, that we are monitoring this community to ensure they feel welcome and part of the whole communities of Cheshire.
5. IAG update - Peter Peters
- Brief overview of IAG recent meetings including great feedback on the active listening input given by Supt McMillian. The IAG were impressed with the level of training given to call handlers to extract the best information to inform those officers and staff attending the incident, which enhances the caller’s experience.
- The IAG have been consulted on a new Proactive operational response.
- Members have been on Gold groups to support the Constabulary during the last quarter.
- An issue was raised over a local matter; Insp Dixon will support PP to resolve this with the LPU to a satisfactory conclusion.
3. Update on CCG themes – Insp Dixon
- All CCGs continue to be held once a quarter including Warrington
- BWV has now been shown by two CCGs, Crewe and Warrington. Feedback for communication style has been used to enhance the proof of concept hydra stop and search package when talking to young people.
- Further exploration about communication style when English is not the first language of the subject.
- All dates are now clear for the next 12 rolling period
6. Community Triggers review
- Discussed/presented by CI Jackson.
- Year to date end of 1st January to date 36 in total for discriminatory complaint No exceptions to report, as all matters involving protective characteristic that have either been resolved in the last quarter have been found to be acceptable level of service or are still being investigated.
- Stop and search 2 both based on race found to be service acceptable no appeal to the IOPC.
- Use of Force 2 both based on race, one still under investigation and the other service found to be acceptable.
9. AOB
- Section 60 – see comments in section 4
- Hydra training for stop and search – testing the concept with members of the public – good product will be looking at next steps for this.
- New format for PAM going forward. A smaller more productive active group, with more contributions and independence looking at Data and disproportionality.
- New initiative for proactive policing discussed to make Cheshire hostile environment for those that travel to and travel through Cheshire
- Everyone on the panel has an open invitation from the Chair, Andrew Bailey to discuss any issues or questions outside of the meeting, Andrew can be contacted on [email protected] or telephone on the Direct Line 0151 511 7720
Date of next meetings: new format 21st October 2021 10:00 – 13:00, 27th January 2022