Wednesday 8 December 2021 at 10am
The meeting took place on Microsoft Teams and at Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters, CW7 2UA.
1. Welcome, Introductions, and Apologies
Sgt Richard Deakin
Steve Smithies (Welcomed as a new panel member.)
Peter Peters
Michael Lloyd
Shelah Semoff
Shantele Sutherland
Andrew Bailey
Insp Shaun Hunter
C/I Emma Parry / Sgt Richard Deakin
2. Minutes and actions from the previous meeting (29 July 2021)
Minutes from 29 July 2021
3. Confidentiality agreement
PAM Confidentiality Agreement.pdf
5. Performance data
Stop and Search
- Performance data for stop and search discussed.
- Exception report discussed. The reduction in stop and searches with no location/LPU had reduced. This was previously raised by the panel and work has been undertaken to reduce this number. The work continues so this number should continue to decrease although there will always be some recorded as no LPU/ verified location due to them being out of the force area.
- The outcome rate still good at 40%.
- The stop search rate per 100 population was discussed with the rate for Black/Black British individuals being 7 time more likely to be stop and searched that hose identifying as White. This was a slight reduction is the rate. PP stated that he had heard these similar numbers several times. This prompted a discussion about what Cheshire Police have done to try to understand this and what we were doing to try to educate officers about it. Sgt Deakin explained that the Hydra Stop and Search training includes unconscious bias training and that he includes it in any training he delivers to LPU’s around stop and search. He explained we are looking to do a comms strategy to raise awareness of unconscious bias/prejudice as part of some work around the Gypsy Roma Traveler community. Sgt Deakin also explained that he will be attending a national CPD event by Bedfordshire police about reducing disproportionality and that he would keep the panel updated about what they had done. Sgt Deakin acknowledged that we still have work to do in this area.
- Sgt Deakin acknowledged that we still have work to do to get officers to ask and record Self-defined Ethnicity.
- SS also describe a recent incident she had had with the police and she was surprised at the reaction that she had regarding her challenge of the officers understanding of the matter. She believed that officers should be more open to challenge and asked if this is discussed in their initial training.
Use of Force (including age related under 11 over 75 and MH locations)
- Use of force exceptions report reviewed by the panel. Sgt Deakin explained that because of the panel asking for more details of the force used on under 11 and over 75 we have now identified that the police tend to become involved in incidents in care settings where mental health is an issue. These are now being forwarded to our Mental Health Coordinator so they can be reviewed to ensure the correct protocols are being followed by our partners.
- The per 1000 population rate for those perceived to be Black or Black British (5 times more likely to have forced used against them) was discussed along with the fact that the impact factor for Black individuals is size/gender/build as opposed to white individuals where it is alcohol. The panel felt that this appears to demonstrate that unconscious bias is used in the police decision-making process and there is still work to be done in this area.
Hate Crime
- Hate crime report – Quarter 2 reviewed.
- Halton was the only area that had seen a reduction in racial hate crime. The panel asked if we knew why this was the case? If this was as a result of something that they had done? Sgt Deakin stated he would ask the question of C/I Taylor.
- Sgt Deakin apologised again for the lack of response regarding high incident of unknown visual ethnicity data within the data. C/I Taylor would be asked for a response for the next meeting.
6. IAG Update – This was provided for meeting that was cancelled although there has been a subsequent IAG.
- We have 10 external members, 8 attended our last meeting in August. We're still looking for a representatives from LGBT+ and disabilities.
- Top on the agenda was organised crime groups by Mark Roberts (Chief Constable). Also general force report questions from material shared.
- Our next meeting will be in-person, Oct 28.
7. CCGs Updates
- CCG were still being held and BWV is now being shown.
- Main theme was about dealing with people where English is not their first language.
- One panel member did not like the officer using a checklist to cover all point and the reasons for this was explained.
- Overall positive impact of showing BWV at CCG – transparency.
9. AOB
Future meeting dates. Sgt Deakin to communicate this ASAP.
Date of next meeting: to be agreed.